What is Wabasha County AWARE?
Wabasha County AWARE is a community group comprised of providers and community members in our county. This group strives to be a resource network for Wabasha County. We are working on building a more
robust, cohesive community network that allows our community a place to go when they need assistance but
aren’t sure where to go or how to start.
Who can be a part of Wabasha County AWARE?
Anyone who lives or works in Wabasha County who is interested in building a resource network that can not
only identify resources we have but also help bridge the gap in resources we are lacking.
How do I become a part of Wabasha County AWARE?
Jamie L. Pfantz
Wabasha County Collaborative and AWARE Coordinator
Follow us on Facebook: Wabasha County AWARE and Collaborative
Office Phone: 651-560-4179
Cell Phone: 507-905-0481
611 Broadway Avenue, Wabasha, MN 55981
What is a Collaborative?
The Minnesota Legislature established Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives and Family Service
Collaboratives in 1993 as an innovative approach to address the needs of children and youth who face
complex problems involving them and their families with multiple service systems.
The goal of the Collaborative is to reduce gaps and barriers to accessing services and resources.
What does the Wabasha County Collaborative do?
The Collaborative funds family stability programs that offer free or low-cost services to families. Our focus is on
building a continuum of coordinated family support services. Through program expansion and systems change,
we strive to improve health outcomes for children and families in Wabasha County.
What has the Collaborative funded?
Provide funding to schools for social worker positions.
NEAR / Adverse Childhood Experiences training free of charge to the community.
Mental Health First Aid Training free of charge to the community.
Preschool tuition assistance for low-income. families
School social worker fund that will help promote positive behaviors within the school; suicide and substance
misuse prevention; needs/hygiene/food closet for students; and other programming to assist students.
Click here to print or save the AWARE and Collaborative flyer