Adult Mental Health Initiatives (AMHI) exist throughout the State of Minnesota; they are regional collaborations that oversee adult mental health services and funding in their area. AMHIs exist to offer individuals, family members and mental health providers the opportunity to make a real difference in how mental health care is provided in their regional community. The Southeast AMHI is a unique partnership of individuals with lived experience, counties and providers working together to positively impact the mental health delivery system.
To learn more about Adult Mental Health Initiatives in Minnesota please see: Adult Mental Health Initiatives / Minnesota Department of Human Services
The Southeast AMHI is comprised of the following counties: Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, MN Prairie (Dodge, Steele and Waseca), Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha and Winona. The AMHI is governed by the Directors of Health and Human Services for those counties along with the AMHI Regional Management Team. The AMHI Regional Management Team consists of community members with lived experience with a mental health condition from each of the 10 counties along with adult mental health staff from those counties. Family members of those with lived experience are also eligible to serve as a community member representative. The group has open monthly meetings to identify challenges, priorities, and solutions from a regional lens perspective.
The Southeast AMHI Regional Management Team meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 in Rochester at the Olmsted County Public Health Building which is located at 2100 Campus Dr. SE, Rochester MN 55904. Designated community members that represent a particular county are entitled to a $50 dollar stipend for every monthly AMHI meeting that is attended. Mileage is also available for attending meetings. Monthly meeting topics are determined by the members of the AMHI and can range from hearing members stories of their personal mental health journeys to learning about new mental health trainings that are available. We also have presentations by provider agencies and review funding proposals.
Through regional partnerships, our AMHI has developed programs and strategies to enhance regional mental health care. Amongst other activities, our AMHI has been instrumental in creating and supporting the Southeast Regional Crisis Center, funding Mental Health First Aid Training throughout the region, offering an annual regional mental health and wellness conference and supporting permanent and long term housing with supports.
The State of Minnesota maintains a website that provides background and history on AMHIs in the State which is located at: Adult Mental Health Initiatives / Minnesota Department of Human Services. The program coordinator for the Southeast AMHI is Laura Sutherland. She can be reached at Laura.sutherland@olmstedcounty.gov or 507-328-6495. She is happy to meet with anyone considering joining SE AMHI to provide more background information. The Chair of the Southeast AMHI Regional Management team is Nick Mann, the community member representative for Goodhue County. He can be reached at Rubyfishing@gmail.com.